These three manifestations of God are known as Tri Murti. Besides these temples, there are also temples representing Panca Dewata ; 5 Godly manifestations that protect the centre of the complex and the 4 directions radiating north, south, east & west of the centre. On the right and left side of Pura Penataran Agung, there are clusters of temples called pedarman where people come to pray and give offerings to their ancestors.
A lontar manuscript indicates that in 158AD Rsi Markandiya came to an island with a mountain range from east to west, which was visible from his meditation spot at the summit of Mount Rawung, East Java. Rsi Markandiya was a yogi from India who had meditated in East Java for many years – exactly how many, is unknown. While he was meditating, a supernatural voice told him to go to the island together with his people.